Sell your home on your own

We provide all the services and products you need

A Step-By-Step Roadmap To Success

everything you need and nothing you don't

We have helped hundreds of “For Sale By Owners” successfully sell their property. With a little help, you can too!

MLS Entry Only

Expose your property to the masses without paying 5-6% in commissions. Our Entry Only service is your key to success.

Fair Market Valuation

Homes priced fairly attract more Buyers and sell faster. Get an unbiased market valuation you can share with prospects.

Agent Matching

Feeling uneasy about the process? We match clients with top listing agents across the country that only charge 1%.

How it works

Create an Account

Once we’ve verified your ownership status we will walk you through workflows relevant to your jurisdiction and product choice.

Pay Securely

Our secure checkout is supported by industry leading payment processors such as Stripe, PayPal, and GoDaddy.

Ask Questions

A customer support representative is just a phone call away. Call +1 (800) 525 xx55 or message us through your client portal.

transparency matters

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Our Entry Only service is by far our most popular service. Market exposure is the most important factor in selling a home and we can’t recommend it enough.

To list your property on MLS, you must commit to pay a Buyer Agent. We recommend offering 2% to Buyer Agents, but it’s up to you! Most Agents work full time as Independent Contractors and deserve to be paid for their efforts.

Each MLS has different requirements. Our client portal is designed to match these requirements.

It can’t hurt, but typically the most active market participants are working with Buying agents to tour homes and submit offers. 

This greatly depends on your competence and background. Research shows agents typically sell properties for 12% more than a For Sale By Owners.

To be successful, you need to dedicate a significant amount of time and energy to the process. Successful For Sale By Owners typically have industry experience, a willingness to learn, strong attention to detail, and negotiation skills.

We provide in-house full service agency in MA. We also provide referral services to top agents across all 50 states.

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